An Open Letter To My Best Friend

With out you I would be lost

3 min readMar 30, 2022
Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

We met at 16

At least I was anyway. That day was just like any other day, heading to work in Mcdonald’s. I didn’t know I would be meeting someone who would change my life, in all the best ways possible. It was a slow shift, and you didn’t have much to do, I started drawing on things with the crayons, so you looked too busy cleaning to go onto the tills. From that day we became the best of friends, both in and out of work.

We were inseparable

As close as we were, I didn’t think our friendship would be what it is now. I never thought I was worthy enough, to deserve a friendship like ours. We got up to some mischief, so work tried to put us on different stations. But let’s be honest, it never really kept us apart. There are many stories we could tell about what we got up to. From me climbing through the drive-through window (which I still don’t remember) to both falling into cow manure on a drunken walk home.

We had some time apart

Not long after we left our jobs, we hit a bump in the road. We ended up parting ways for a while. It was painful to lose you for a while. I don’t think I’ve ever told you how much I truly missed you. Some people may not understand exactly why we had to cut off contact for a while, but I do. It wasn’t easy for you either. I won’t get into that here, because it is your story to tell, and I know you want to do that with me soon.

It was like time never passed

Once that hurdle was jumped, and the problem was eliminated, we bumped into each other in the street. We fell straight back into our friendship, it was like time stood still waiting for us to catch up. You seemed happy, you had your son, and you were getting married to your childhood sweetheart. I was happy to see you getting back to yourself.

Some things need to be said

I know you never need to hear this, and I’m unsure if I’ve ever really said it out loud. You amaze me, with everything you have been through in your life, and how you’ve managed to cope with it all. It truly is inspiring. I am proud to be your best friend. My life wouldn’t be the same without you in it, you help keep me afloat when I feel like I’m drowning. You build me up when I feel worthless, and you always tell me how it is even if it will be hard to hear.

I know you want to tell your story, and I promise we will sit down to write it soon, I’m proud of you for that too, because you’re not telling it for sympathy, you are telling it because you know how much it could help someone. You are going to inspire and help people you don’t know because you know how it feels to be in a situation, no one should ever have to endure.

Thank you for being you, and for putting up with me for 17 years. True friends are hard to find, but everyone deserves to have a friend like you by their side.




I'm a 35-year-old woman from Northern Ireland, who writes about a range of subjects including the paranormal, mental health, relationships and much more.